About us


At the core of GoldenRuleism lies the belief that every act of compassion serves to shape a better world for our Children, our Animals, and Nature.

Mission Statement

To spread the overarching ethic of GoldenRuleism worldwide — so we humans can significantly “Move the Needle of Humanity Towards Humane-ity” — for the universal benefit of our children, our animals and our Earth.

Vision Statement

GoldenRuleism is the catalytic force creating a rapid evolution to a transformed world – a world that’s “good” for everyone everywhere.

The Charter For Compassion/CFC

To spread the overarching ethic of GoldenRuleism worldwide — so we humans can significantly “Move the Needle of Humanity Towards Humane-ity” — for the universal benefit of our children, our animals and our Earth.

In partnership with the Charter for Compassion/CFC, our GoldenRuleism Team aspires to and works to create a transformed world. We align with the Charter’s mission to support the emerging global movement of compassion — to co-create transformation at all levels — by connecting, cultivating, and encouraging networks of compassionate action.

Craig Cline

Shane O’Connor

Elena Hermosa

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